Composition of Honey - Introduction

Composition of Honey - Introduction

Most people think of honey as just a sweetener. Honey is truly a super saturated sugar no doubt, but it contains much, much more. Within this series of articles, I'll share with you the composition of honey. I hope you enjoy and appreciate this education as on most honey nutrition labels it will list only 64 Calories per tablespoon and total carbohydrates 17 grams per tablespoon.

There are over 200 known honey constituents. My favorite author on the subject Eva Crane, wrote the book "Honey A Comprehensive Survey in 1976. This book details in Section 2, Chapter 5 the Composition of Honey which is my source of information for this article series.

Provided is an outline of what will be covered in this article series:

Part 1 Carbohydrates (Sugars)
Part 2 Vitamins
Part 3 Minerals
Part 4 Trace Elements
Part 5 Acids
Part 6 Amino Acids
Part 7 Enzymes
Part 8 Lipids (Fats)

Time to buzz off.


Eva Crane
Honey A Comprehensive Survey
Crane, Russak & Company, Inc.
Library of Congress Catalog No. 72-83309
ISBN: 0-8448-0062-7
Section 2 Characteristics of Honey
Chapter 5 Composition of Honey - Dr. Jonathan W. White, Jr.
Pages 157-206


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