The 2020 Beekeeping Season Has Started!

The 2020 Beekeeping Season has just started and Newmies Bees is off and buzzing. I've been cleaning up the bee yards and equipment preparing for the year. Beginning this year I'm going to chronicle the entire beekeeping year. Stay tuned for weekly articles about beekeeping and related topics:

The Newsmie's Bees Beekeeping Year

If you truly want to know how honey gets into the bottle, join me in an adventure of following the life-cycle and progression of one of my beehives throughout the year. You will see and learn how a hive develops and grows, makes honey and learn about the honey harvest.

Beehive Products Series: 

1) How to Make Krupnik - A Honey Cordial
2) How to Make Mead - a Honey Delicacy.
3) How to Make Kombucha with Honey.
4) Making Beeswax Thunder Candles.

The Composition of Honey Series

Honey contains more that 200 known constituents. This series of articles will cover the following:
Carbohydrates (Sugars), Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Elements, Acids, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Lipids and a few more.

Honey Properties Series

Learn about the properties of honey and how they affect it's use.

If anyone has a topic they would like me to write about, please let me know by commenting.

Time to Buzzz Off.

Dave Newman


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